The Jharkhand High Court, hearing the JSSC CGL paper leak case, has directed the state government to submit a status report within four weeks. The bench, led by Chief Justice M S Ramachandra Rao and Justice Deepak Roshan, maintained the stay on publishing examination results and set the next hearing for March 26. Advocate General Rajiv Ranjan informed the court that the CID investigation is ongoing, with forensic analysis of mobile devices and digital evidence underway.
The Special Investigation Team (SIT) has collected 54 pieces of evidence — 30 through WhatsApp and 24 via email — following a public appeal for information. However, the team is yet to find conclusive proof.
Preliminary findings suggest a conspiracy to discredit the examination, with tampered mobile timestamps altering the timeline of leaked paper images. Five mobile phones provided by complainants have been sent for forensic analysis, and the results are awaited for further action.
Investigators raised doubts over the complainants’ statements after students failed to explain why there were no photographs of the person allegedly holding the leaked paper. This discrepancy has deepened suspicions, as the SIT continues its probe.
Earlier on December 17, the court had stayed the publication of JSSC CGL results after a petition sought the cancellation of the examination and a CBI investigation. However, the court rejected the CBI probe request, directing the SIT to continue its inquiry. A progress report on the investigation will be presented during the next hearing.